Dear Sadie,
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Ten Months
Dear Sadie,
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Nine Months
Dear Sadie,
We took you to the doctor and you are a healthy baby! You weigh 14 pounds 8 ounces. You are a tiny little thing!
We did one day of swim lessons this month. You LOVE being in the pool as long as the water is warm. You're a little fish.
You are a happy baby full of smiles and giggles.... Until someone else comes around, then you're all business!
You army crawl all over the place. You get into everything. You like to climb over me and you are starting to pull up on things.
You are more interested in food this month. Yogurt, puffs, and water are your favorite things. There really hasn't been anything that you haven't liked, which is awesome!
You love it when daddy plays the guitar for you.
You're starting to bounce when a song comes on that you like. You throw your hands in the air when I say dance over and over.
We have little conversations back and forth making different sounds.
You are the proud owner of two teeth! Your bottom two came in. I cannot believe you have teeth! Where did my little baby go?
You started crying when I put you to bed this month. I think it was from teething because you haven't been doing it the past week. I hated hearing you cry.
You love your books.
You give your dad and me so much joy. We love you and you make us so happy. Please stop growing so fast! That's an order.
Love, Mom
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Eight Months
Dear Sadie,
Another month has flown by. I cannot believe we will be celebrating your first birthday in four months!
You are a sassy little thing. You get that from your dad. :)
You figured out how to sit up by yourself. You've hit your head a few times on your crib from playing around instead of sleeping.
You do a combination of rolling and army crawl to get where you want to go.
We're working on your first tooth and it's a joy. I say "we" because it's a joint effort.
You like to make your dad and me laugh. Sometimes you and I will look at each and start giggling. It is one of my favorite things ever.
I don't think you're ever going to get tired of sticking out your tongue. There has been a few times I think you're having a severe allergic reaction because you've kept your tongue out for so long.
We took you in the pool for the first time. You loved it! We're going to do swim lessons next month.
We took a break from solids because they were upsetting your stomach.
You love to drink water. You try to drink the pool water. YUCK!
You are ticklish on your tummy.
We celebrated Daddy's first Father's Day this month.
Daddy went to Texas for work for a few days so it was just us girls. You fussed the whole time.
Your hair is starting to grow and when it is wet it has some curl.
You kick your legs when you get excited and when you want something.
You are a little talker. I don't listen to the radio in the car because I enjoy hearing your little voice.
I feel like I am wrangling a baby alligator when I'm changing your diaper. It makes poopy diapers a lot of fun!
You do not like to sit still. It was hard to get a picture of you where you weren't lunging forward or moving your hands.
You are my precious little girl. I love you so much. You make me laugh and so very happy.
Love, Mom
Friday, June 6, 2014
Seven Months
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Six Months
You're half a year old! Luckily, this month didn't fly by as fast as last month. You love sleeping in your crib. You pretty much sleep for 12 hours at night. Your naps have gotten so much better. It's pretty rare that you wake up and need me to soothe you back to sleep. Whew!
You want to crawl so badly. You roll and scoot all over the floor. It was quite a shock to come back from the bathroom and find you on the other side of the room. You can push your little booty in the air, but you're still figuring out how to get moving.
We're starting to hear more giggles. If we had to pick one word to describe you, it'd be serious. You smile a lot too, but you like to take everything in. People still comment how alert you are. You're a little busybody!
We made it to six months exclusively breastfeeding.
You are SO ready to eat solids. You give us a sad look whenever we eat in front of you. You don't understand why you can't have anything! After your 6 months check up in a couple of weeks, we'll start you on solids! I think it will rock your world.
You're starting to sit up on your own. You went from having zero interest to sitting up unassisted pretty fast.
You're into textures and like to feel everything.
We spent your first Easter in Durango! It was a rough drive in the beginning. You were not a happy baby. I was ready to turn back, but your dad kept saying lets go a little further. Once we got to Flagstaff you fell asleep and stayed asleep until we got to the hotel. We had so much fun! I was worried how you would do away from home, but you did great! We went for a couple walks, walked around downtown, went out to eat, and hung out a lot. You slept in your pack n play and did pretty good. You woke up a few times throughout the night. It was such a fun trip and we can't wait to go back. I'm pretty sure Auntie Tonya and Uncle Ryan will have us back...
You love the wind and stick out your tongue whenever it hits your face.
You still stick out your tongue a ton. It's pretty cute! You scrunch your nose a lot too.
You love being read to. I'm thankful we have a baby that likes books. I have all of your books memorized.
Still no teeth!
Love, Mom
Monday, March 31, 2014
Our library has an infant play group that meets the second and fourth Friday of each month. We checked it out this week and had so much fun. Sadie was the youngest baby there by a few months, but we were able to participate. It's a really awesome program that stresses the importance of early childhood development. We did a sensory activity involving noodles that had been colored with food coloring. Since Sadie can't fully sit on her own I put her in the tub and let her go to town. She was interested, but didn't dive right in. She was so serious playing with the noodles and checking them out. We ended with a couple songs and headed home.
Speaking of the weather, we've been sitting on the patio the past few Sundays. The only time Sadie will let us sit down is if we're outside. She's becoming quite the character. It's so much fun to watch her. She starts talking and then bursts into giggles at something she said. Apparently, she's a comedian like her mama!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Five Months
Dear Sadie,
This month has flown by. It felt like a week ago you were four months. I'm trying to wrap my head around how a whole month snuck past me! The rest of the year better slow down.
You've been doing really good at night in your crib. For the most part you sleep from 6:30 P.M. to 6:30 A.M. Every now and then you'll change things up, but you're pretty consistent. Naps are getting so much better! Yay! Dad installed some curtains to block out the light and they HELP! You don't get as distracted when falling asleep.
We took our first road trip to Tucson. Your whole world was turned upside down. There was a lot of crying. You spent the last hour and a half before falling asleep hysterically crying. It was awful! We left the next morning at 4 A.M. in hopes you would sleep the whole way home. You did and you were so happy when we made it home. You smiled and talked for a whole hour and a half. Hopefully our next trip goes better, it's further and longer!!
You roll from back to stomach with no problem and roll from your stomach to you back, but not as much. You can push yourself up with your arms, you look like a walrus! You want to be moving. You get frustrated because you kick your little feet, but don't go anywhere.
You are a smiley baby when you wake up. It warms my heart to see your big grin.
We're still dealing with some stranger anxiety, but we're getting better.
You love these little baby Einstein boardbooks. And by love, I mean they will stop you dead in your tracks during a meltdown. We can't figure out what it is about them that fascinates you.
We took you to lunch at Olive Garden and you did fabulous! We were worried because you don't like being in your carseat if we're not in the car. You even giggled for 10 minutes straight.
You're starting to giggle more and more. Sometimes it sounds like a giggle, other times it's a weird, forced noise. For the most part you have stopped making a high pitch noise, music to my ears!
You pretty much always have something in your mouth. You use your index and middle finger to soothe, but will shove anything in there.
The plan is to start solids next month. You don't show too much interest in food yet which is surprising considering who your father is.
You're starting to get attached to whatever toy you have in your hand. If the toy falls to the ground, you scream!
No teeth yet, but I check your mouth daily. You have all the signs of teething!
You love being outside. We go on two to three walks a day.
I have SO many pictures of your feet!
I love you! Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for you. You are so special and my beautiful rainbow.
Love, Mom
Monday, March 3, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Four Months
We meet again... The doctor said you are one healthy baby. You weigh 12 pounds 5 ounces and are 24.5 inches long. You're in the 13th percentile for weight and 50th for height. You've grown four inches since you were born. You pretty much wear all 3 month clothes. I put some 6 month outfits on you because we're tired of your old clothes! We need new stuff, right Dad?
You are incredibly happy in the morning. We took these pictures at 6:00 A.M. because we were heading to Tucson.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
My sweet, little baby is taking a nap on me and I keep thinking I couldn't be more thankful for her. The last couple of days have been a little rough. She's been fighting sleep during the day so she gets really upset because she's so tired, but won't fall asleep. There's been a few times when we've cried together. Even though she's been a little bipolar, going from smiling to screaming in 1.2 seconds, it is the most amazing thing I've ever done, being a mom. I love her so much. Sometimes my heart can't take it when she smiles, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. There's also been a few times when I cry looking at her because she's our little miracle. She's been pretty expressive since birth so when this happens she'll raise one eyebrow and give me a "what the heck is your problem lady" look. This often causes me to tear up a little more because while she looks like Reed, she's definitely all me inside.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Three Months
You kick your legs and wave your arms all the time. You try and kick us in the face while we're changing your diaper.
I love hearing your little voice.
You like taking baths with your mama.
You met your Uncle Kai this month.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Sadie's Future
Reed took a few extra days off last week and we were busy. We opened a savings account for Sadie. My grandfather opened a savings account for me when I was 5 years old. I still have it open! Saving has always been important to me. Reed and I want to teach Sadie good habits when it comes to money. If we don't do it, who will? She obviously has no idea what's going on now, but when she's older we'll teach how fun saving can be! Well, if she's anything like me she'll think saving is fun...