You're half a year old! Luckily, this month didn't fly by as fast as last month. You love sleeping in your crib. You pretty much sleep for 12 hours at night. Your naps have gotten so much better. It's pretty rare that you wake up and need me to soothe you back to sleep. Whew!
You want to crawl so badly. You roll and scoot all over the floor. It was quite a shock to come back from the bathroom and find you on the other side of the room. You can push your little booty in the air, but you're still figuring out how to get moving.
We're starting to hear more giggles. If we had to pick one word to describe you, it'd be serious. You smile a lot too, but you like to take everything in. People still comment how alert you are. You're a little busybody!
We made it to six months exclusively breastfeeding.
You are SO ready to eat solids. You give us a sad look whenever we eat in front of you. You don't understand why you can't have anything! After your 6 months check up in a couple of weeks, we'll start you on solids! I think it will rock your world.
You're starting to sit up on your own. You went from having zero interest to sitting up unassisted pretty fast.
You're into textures and like to feel everything.
We spent your first Easter in Durango! It was a rough drive in the beginning. You were not a happy baby. I was ready to turn back, but your dad kept saying lets go a little further. Once we got to Flagstaff you fell asleep and stayed asleep until we got to the hotel. We had so much fun! I was worried how you would do away from home, but you did great! We went for a couple walks, walked around downtown, went out to eat, and hung out a lot. You slept in your pack n play and did pretty good. You woke up a few times throughout the night. It was such a fun trip and we can't wait to go back. I'm pretty sure Auntie Tonya and Uncle Ryan will have us back...
You love the wind and stick out your tongue whenever it hits your face.
You still stick out your tongue a ton. It's pretty cute! You scrunch your nose a lot too.
You love being read to. I'm thankful we have a baby that likes books. I have all of your books memorized.
Still no teeth!
Love, Mom