Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cloth Diapers

I decided a couple years ago that if we could, we would cloth diaper. They just appeal to me. I was sold at saving money, but really there's so many other benefits. I am not the most green friendly, earth loving individual, but did you know disposable diapers take up to 500 years to decompose? That's just yucky. Disposable diapers also have a bunch of different chemicals in them, including a dioxin that is used to bleach diapers. I don't want that going on our baby girls little bum. I am aware that there are a TON of chemicals in just about everything we use. I could probably write a whole post on them, but we are taking steps to reduce where we can. We have used chemical free cleaning products for over a year. We also use glass containers to store and re-heat our leftovers. I am currently drinking out of my new, fancy glass water bottle. I am not claiming that we're 100% chemical free, but we try the best we can and cloth diapering is a away we can reduce the chemicals in our life, so why not?

I have had people say to me, so you're going to touch poop? We will not touch poop anymore than if we were using disposable diapers. I plan on breastfeeding, which means that our little pooping machine's poop is water soluble and will be washed away in the washer. Once we introduce solids it won't be quite as easy as throwing her diapers in the wash, but whatever. There is not a way to avoid poop when you're dealing with a baby. It's life. I know what's involved and it doesn't deter me from wanting to cloth diaper. Cloth diapers are soft, you don't deal with as much diaper rash, and they have less blow outs than disposable. Plus they have really cute designs and fun colors! 

However, cloth diapering isn't all sunshine and lollipops. You have to buy the diapers before the baby arrives which means you have another big purchase to add to all the other items you need. I purchased our first two diapers last weekend and immediately thought, what have I gotten myself into? I went home and crunched the numbers again. Basically, what we will spend on the initial cost is the same amount we would spend on disposables during the first 6 months of her life so we get the remaining 18-24 months for free! If it's God's plan, it's our plan to have at least one more baby so we won't have to spend any additional money on diapers if that happens. There are other costs involved because I will be doing laundry every other day or so. I plan on line drying the diapers when I can and even if I didn't the cost is still less than using disposable diapers for a couple of years. 

It can be time consuming because I'll need to wash the diapers every couple of days and then stuff the clean diapers with clean liners. If I was going to be working full time, this might not be feasible, but I'll be a stay at home mom so I'll find time. I'm not trying to say that if you're a stay at home mom you aren't doing anything all day and have a cabana boy fanning you with a palm tree leaf while you're drinking a strawberry daiquiri and the baby is taking care of itself. I'm just saying that somewhere throughout the day I'll be able to get it done. 

I'm also aware that cloth diapering isn't for everyone. A few of my friends use disposable diapers and I think that's great. What works for me doesn't mean it will work for you and vice versa. There is so much judgement and criticism when it comes to parenting I don't want you to think I'm judging you if you use disposable. If you're reading this and think I'm judging you for using disposables, please don't. I don't expect everyone to parent the way I plan to parent or do everything the way that I do it. Our daughter is going to be raised listening to Michael Jackson. You may not be a Michael Jackson fan and cringe at the thought of your offspring listening to his music, that's ok, just don't mention it to my husband. When we first starting dating, the love of my life told me if I didn't like Michael Jackson, we wouldn't work out. I thought that was crazy then and I still do today, but I have since found out that MJ's music runs in his family's blood. If you have a couple minutes and want to see my husband shaking his groove thang, check this link out. The point I'm trying to make is there are tons of decisions you have to make when raising children and you want the very best for them. I was raised differently than all of my friends and we all turned out ok. Our daughter will be raised differently than her friends and if she turns out ok we did a good job and at the end of the day that's what matters! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bump Watch: 23 Weeks

Size of baby: Eggplant

Cravings: Sweets!! When I'm done with this post I'm going to go on an ice cream run. Ridiculous....

What I'm looking forward to: We have a doctors appointment this week so we'll get to listen to baby girl's heartbeat! Reed is painting the nursery as I type this. I'll post pictures once he is done.

Miss anything?: Soda

Maternity clothes: I found a cute maternity dress at Target this week on clearance!! Yay!

Movement: It is still coming in waves. I haven't felt her too much today, but I felt her a lot two days ago.

Gender: A sweet baby girl.

Happy or Moody: Crazy. This week I've been an emotional wreck. I'm not very emotional to begin with. I mean, I cried at the end of The Notebook so I have a heart. I just do not cry easily. These hormones plus being exhausted ALL the time have made me into a crazy person. Yesterday I started crying for no reason while in the middle of a conversation with my husband. I don't feel like myself and I haven't for a while, I think it all caught up with me this week. I'm not trying to complain by any means. This pregnancy is such a blessing and if being tired and shedding some tears is as bad as it gets, I'm one happy lady. I am looking forward to feeling like myself again. I know the exhaustion will not be going away once she is here, but hopefully I won't be as hormonal and can put sentences together without forgetting words or saying something random!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bump Watch: 22 Weeks

My husband does NOT like taking pictures, ever! 

So I almost fell over when he told me to take his picture. It has taken me YEARS to un-program what I call the football "smile." You know how football players have to look all tough and can't have a trace of a smile on their face for their pictures? Looking through our pictures I have a duplicate of almost every single one because he's making a weird face, has his eyes closed, or isn't looking at the camera. We've come a long way and out of the thousands of pictures I have of the two of us, I have a few with his cute smile!

 Size of baby: Papaya. She should weigh about a pound at this point. Over the next four weeks she should gain another pound! Talk about a growth spurt.

Cravings: Pizza

What I'm looking forward to: We bought the paint for the nursery, now Reed needs to paint it! He took down the spare bed that was in her room so now it's pretty empty in there. It's exciting to walk by the room and imagine all her stuff filling it up.

Miss anything?: Feeling rested. I have been so exhausted the past two weeks.

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: I'm feeling her more and more. Reed finally felt four little kicks or punches on Sunday which happened to be Father's Day so that made it even more special!

Gender: A sweet baby girl.

Happy or Moody: Happy and a little bit of moody, being tired makes me a little snappy and being tired all the time makes me a little more snappy than usual. Sorry Reed!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bump Watch: 21 Weeks

Size of baby: Carrot

Cravings: Pizza

What I'm looking forward to: So much! We picked a paint color for the nursery so now we just need to buy it and the husband can start painting.

Miss anything?: I'm not a big drinker by any means, but I've been wanting a pina colada. My lovely friend has been on vacation the past two weeks in the Dominican Republic and San Juan so this may contribute to this craving. I know this one is easy because you don't really taste the alcohol in pina coladas so I could make myself a virgin one, but I ask where is the fun in that?

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: It comes in waves. I'll feel her a lot and then I just feel a handful of movement throughout the day. At our anatomy scan I was told the placenta is on the front (anterior) so that acts as an extra barrier.

Gender: A sweet baby girl.

Happy or Moody: Happy! I finally felt better this week. We had house guests for the past 10 weeks or so and I spent 5 hours cleaning on Friday getting the house back to how I like it. It was AMAZING! I'm a big believer in that the environment of the house / my car/ purse affects my mood. I do not like clutter or messiness so now that the labels are all facing the same way in the pantry, I just couldn't be happier! My husband even commented that I seem happier. Poor guy, he's put up with a lot of sass from me the past few months.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I've been asked a few times if I've had any cravings. There hasn't been anything too crazy yet. My go to meal has been pizza. When nothing sounded good to eat, there was always my friend pizza waiting for me with open arms. It was the only thing that didn't make me gag at the thought of eating. This wasn't every night for dinner, but maybe once a week! :) See, nothing crazy? Who doesn't like pizza? And who wouldn't eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if they had the choice?

Well, I came home from work the other night and told my husband that all I wanted to eat was a thin crust cheese pizza from Dominos and a hot-n-spicy McChicken from McDonalds. Yes, I wanted to eat them together! I remained strong and ate what I had put in the crock pot for dinner because the thought of eating it didn't make me sick, pizza and a hot-n-spicy just sounded a million times better. However, I have the most amazing husband and the next night when I got home from work he had a thin crust cheese pizza from Dominos waiting for me. I may or may not have polished the whole thing off in one sitting. Ok, I left 3 pizza squares for my lunch the next day, but I don't regret it! It was delicious.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bump Watch: 20 Weeks

Size of baby: Small Artichoke

Cravings: Nothing this week

What I'm looking forward to: Starting on baby girl's nursery!

Miss anything?: Soda.

Maternity clothes: I found some shorts! Yay! I went shopping over Memorial Day weekend and found a good deal on two pairs of shorts.

Movement: She's shaking her groove thang in there. Somedays I feel her a lot and other days just a couple times in the morning or before I fall asleep.

Gender: Healthy girl!

Happy or Moody: I've been sick this week. Yuck! I pray I get better soon because round ligment pain + coughing all day = not a lot of fun. That's why this weeks photo is a picture I took myself. I didn't want to scare anyone with my half human, half zombie looking, tired face. :)

We made it to 20 weeks! I cannot believe I am halfway done with my pregnancy. I'm feeling some pressure to get everything done and read every baby book out there. We can start working on the nursery now so that will ease some of these feelings. 

It's a...

Healthy baby girl!!!

We are so excited!!! The ultrasound tech told us she would look at the gender first and then do all the measurements! Baby girl wasn't shy and gave us the money shot right away. The ultrasound tech said, "this is going to be easy." I thought that meant it was a boy, but I was wrong. She announced, "it's a girl!" I let out this weird noise and then cried a few tears. We were hoping for a girl, but would have been happy with a boy too! Now I get to start shopping. :) It makes it seem real now that we know what we're having.

We sent the picture of the two of us to our family and friends to tell them what we were having. Pink balloons for a girl! My sister in law and her four kids have been living with us for a couple months so we decided to do a little gender reveal for them as well! When we got home we put the balloons in a box and had the kids open it to find out.

The pictures aren't the best, but you get the point! Everyone thought it was a boy except our youngest niece who KNEW it was a girl. The younger three are really excited about their new cousin. The oldest is in that fun phase where she's going to be a teenager in a year and doesn't really care about much. You can see her in the pictures in the way back trying to act like it isn't a big deal, but wanting to know if it's a boy or girl! :)