Monday, March 31, 2014


We've been trying to enjoy the weather before it gets too hot by going on walks. It also helps calm Sadie down when she gets a little fussy. She loves being outdoors. I'm not sure what we're going to do once the temperature hits 100°.

Sadie has been busy trying to get moving. She scoots to the side a little and can push herself back, but is still working hard to move forward. I call this her walrus impersonation. 

Our library has an infant play group that meets the second and fourth Friday of each month. We checked it out this week and had so much fun. Sadie was the youngest baby there by a few months, but we were able to participate. It's a really awesome program that stresses the importance of early childhood development. We did a sensory activity involving noodles that had been colored with food coloring. Since Sadie can't fully sit on her own I put her in the tub and let her go to town. She was interested, but didn't dive right in. She was so serious playing with the noodles and checking them out. We ended with a couple songs and headed home.

On Saturday we had a family barbecue. Reed's Aunt was in town so we had a little get together at his cousin's house. Sadie gets a little nervous around big, loud groups of people. She would be fine if I held her, but if anyone else tried she would start crying. We were able to stay for a few hours and visit. Reed worked so I took Sadie baby home and he stayed for a few more hours.

Speaking of the weather, we've been sitting on the patio the past few Sundays. The only time Sadie will let us sit down is if we're outside. She's becoming quite the character. It's so much fun to watch her. She starts talking and then bursts into giggles at something she said. Apparently, she's a comedian like her mama!

And who doesn't love a sleeping baby?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Five Months

Dear Sadie,

This month has flown by. It felt like a week ago you were four months. I'm trying to wrap my head around how a whole month snuck past me! The rest of the year better slow down.

You've been doing really good at night in your crib. For the most part you sleep from 6:30 P.M. to 6:30 A.M. Every now and then you'll change things up, but you're pretty consistent. Naps are getting so much better! Yay! Dad installed some curtains to block out the light and they HELP! You don't get as distracted when falling asleep.

We took our first road trip to Tucson. Your whole world was turned upside down. There was a lot of crying. You spent the last hour and a half before falling asleep hysterically crying. It was awful! We left the next morning at 4 A.M. in hopes you would sleep the whole way home. You did and you were so happy when we made it home. You smiled and talked for a whole hour and a half. Hopefully our next trip goes better, it's further and longer!!

You roll from back to stomach with no problem and roll from your stomach to you back, but not as much. You can push yourself up with your arms, you look like a walrus! You want to be moving. You get frustrated because you kick your little feet, but don't go anywhere.

You are a smiley baby when you wake up. It warms my heart to see your big grin.

We're still dealing with some stranger anxiety, but we're getting better.

You love these little baby Einstein boardbooks. And by love, I mean they will stop you dead in your tracks during a meltdown. We can't figure out what it is about them that fascinates you.

You recently found your tongue and stick it out all the time.

We took you to lunch at Olive Garden and you did fabulous! We were worried because you don't like being in your carseat if we're not in the car. You even giggled for 10 minutes straight.

You're starting to giggle more and more. Sometimes it sounds like a giggle, other times it's a weird, forced noise. For the most part you have stopped making a high pitch noise, music to my ears!

You pretty much always have something in your mouth. You use your index and middle finger to soothe, but will shove anything in there.

The plan is to start solids next month. You don't show too much interest in food yet which is surprising considering who your father is.

You're starting to get attached to whatever toy you have in your hand. If the toy falls to the ground, you scream!

No teeth yet, but I check your mouth daily. You have all the signs of teething!

You love being outside. We go on two to three walks a day.

I have SO many pictures of your feet!

I love you! Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for you. You are so special and my beautiful rainbow.

Love, Mom