Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One Week

Sadie is already a week old! To be honest, I had no idea until my friend texted me and said Happy One Week Sadie. Our first week has gone really well. For the most part Sadie is pretty chill, just don't mess with her when she's hungry. Reed and I are so in love and we're trying to enjoy our time together as a new family before he goes back to work. Hopefully Monday doesn't come too fast! I'll try and post more later. I just wanted to share some pictures and let you know that we're home safe and sound.

Friday, October 25, 2013

She's here!

Our beautiful rainbow baby has arrived! After 14 1/2 hours of labor (7 of which were the scariest 7 hours of my life) Sadie Mae entered the world weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long on October 22. Reed and I are the luckiest people and thank God that He blessed us with this girl!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bump Watch: 40 Weeks

Size of baby: Pumpkin, just in time for Halloween.

Cravings: Sweets

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little girl. We're so close and it's a little nerve wracking. I'm so excited to meet her, but another part of me keeps thinking holy crap, we're going to have a baby soon!

Miss anything?: I miss my pre-pregnancy body. I'm ready to be able to move about freely without feeling aches and pains.

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: She is still having her dance parties in there.

Gender: Girl!

Happy or Moody: Happy. Reed and I were able to spend the whole weekend together. It was nice hanging out and relaxing. We went to breakfast after church on Sunday because we figured it'd be the last time we would go out to eat for a while. We also spent a lot of time hanging out in bed watching TV.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Our glider came in this week. Yaaay! Now all we need is a baby, but apparently we have a stubborn girl on our hands. Ok, I need to relax. It's not even her due date yet. For the most part everything is ready in her room. Reed still needs to hang the mobile over the glider and I might add some frames to the walls behind the glider. That will have to wait until after she arrives though. I'm trying to relax as much as possible until she shows up.

I made the little fabric banner. Thank you Pinterest. It was a little time consuming because I had to cut each piece of fabric, but I just watched Netflix and time flew by.

The table and chairs were mine and my sister's when we were younger. We played with them all the time. Our names are engraved on the back and it was a pain to paint! The tea set from Beauty and the Beast is also mine from when I was little. Once Sadie is mobile I'll move it to higher ground, but my sister and I sat in these same seats playing with our tea sets!

I still need to pick up a few things to complete the shelves. We're going to put different items from her birthday in the shadow box. I made the alphabet frame, pinwheels and jar, the purple S, and the bow holder was made by one of the special gals in my life for the shower. Reed painted and hung the Ikea spice racks, another Pinterest find. For the shower, guests brought books instead of cards and I can't wait to read them to Sadie.

Our comfy glider! It reclines and swivels. It's so amazing.

Sadie probably has the nicest room in the house. :) It feels so good to have everything finished and to have the glider. I've sat in the glider every night and read to her or thought about all the memories we're going to have in her room. Sunday is her due date and Reed doesn't have to work on Saturday (Giant YAY!) so I think we're going to hang out and enjoy our last weekend as a family of two. Start saying some prayers and shout outs to the Big Guy upstairs that she arrives soon, safely and healthy!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Today is our three year wedding anniversary and this month marks nine years together. You want to talk about time flying by, I cannot believe we've been together for nine years. We went to the same high school, but never talked! Well, aside from the one time I yelled at him from across the parking lot after a dance telling him he should come hang out with us because my friend had a major crush on him.

We started hanging out the summer after I graduated. I was pretty smitten from the beginning. However, I didn't think we would last. He was my first real boyfriend and you generally don't marry your first boyfriend.

Here we are, nine years later and expecting a baby girl at anytime. I have the most incredible person to share my life with. I constantly think how lucky I am to have him. He puts up with a lot of shit! He has the most caring heart and he is going to be a fantastic father. I am thrilled to start this new chapter with such a good looking guy.

Happy Anniversary Gorgeous!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bump Watch: 39 Weeks

Size of baby: Watermelon, not my kind of visual since she's going to be coming out of me soon!

Cravings: Pineapple and sweets. I am packing on the pounds during the end, she needs to come soon. :)

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little girl.

Miss anything?: Sleep, sleeping through the night without peeing 9 times, going through the day without peeing 183 times, and shopping.

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: The doctor said she's low and I've been feeling some movement lower than usual.

Gender: Girl!

Happy or Moody: Happy. Our doctor will let me go one week past our due date so we're going to have a baby sometime in the next two weeks. The house is clean, her room is ready, her clothes and diapers are washed, and we are so ready to meet her.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Maternity Pictures

We had our maternity pictures done a few weeks ago. They turned out great and I can't decide which one is my favorite. I thought I'd share a few!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pure Bliss

I have been nesting like CRAZY lately. Seriously, everything in our house has been cleaned like 36 times. I've also requested forced Reed to help me with a few projects. You know your husband loves you when he stands on a chair and cleans the top of the blinds, all 14 sets of them. I won't lie, that wasn't any fun at all.

I treated myself to a pedicure. It felt so great to have my feet rubbed. I was trying to figure out a way to kidnap her, just until the baby comes. After Sadie arrives she'd be free to leave.

We're patiently waiting for the arrival of this little girl. I started going to the doctor every week and each check up has been great. The nurse thinks based on her position she'll arrive the week of her due date. I hope she's right because I don't want her to be late. If I had to guess, I think she's going to come on the 22nd which is two days after her due date. Reed thinks she will come before her due date.

I cannot believe I'm 38 weeks pregnant! Reed and I are trying to enjoy these last few moments together, just the two of us. Our anniversary is the 15th so we're holding off on making any plans because it's Sadie's world, we're just living in it!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bump Watch: 38 Weeks

Size of baby: As long as a stalk of rhubarb

Cravings: I didn't really crave anything this week.

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little girl.

Miss anything?: Sleep

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: I can tell she's running out of room in there, but I don't think she got the memo. Sometimes I feel like she's going to bust out of my stomach because there's so much pressure.

Gender: Girl!

Happy or Moody: Happy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bump Watch: 37 Weeks

Size of baby: As long as stalk of Swiss Chard.

Cravings: Pineapple

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little girl.

Miss anything?: Sleep

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: I'm listening to the Lion King soundtrack and she's dancing in there. Side note, Reed knows the word to every Lion King song!

Gender: Girl!

Happy or Moody: Happy. We've started our weekly appointments and so far, so good!