Monday, October 14, 2013

Bump Watch: 39 Weeks

Size of baby: Watermelon, not my kind of visual since she's going to be coming out of me soon!

Cravings: Pineapple and sweets. I am packing on the pounds during the end, she needs to come soon. :)

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little girl.

Miss anything?: Sleep, sleeping through the night without peeing 9 times, going through the day without peeing 183 times, and shopping.

Maternity clothes: Nothing new.

Movement: The doctor said she's low and I've been feeling some movement lower than usual.

Gender: Girl!

Happy or Moody: Happy. Our doctor will let me go one week past our due date so we're going to have a baby sometime in the next two weeks. The house is clean, her room is ready, her clothes and diapers are washed, and we are so ready to meet her.

1 comment:

  1. You look amazing! Hope these next few weeks (or days?) go fast for you! I remember those new movements down low...they turned into numbing pain that completely stopped me in my tracks. It helps to know the end is in sight! Can't wait to hear the news and see her pics!
