I failed my one hour gestational diabetes test. I was pretty devastated. There was part of me that worried I would fail, but I'm pretty healthy and I haven't gained a ton of weight so I wasn't too worried. The nurse told us at our last appointment and it took everything in me to not burst into tears (they came later). Our daughter isn't even born yet and I've already failed her. I'm not off to a good start with this whole parenting thing.
I took the three hour test last week and it was pretty rough. Since I had to fast I went early in the morning to get it over with. It starts with a blood draw and then I had to drink the glucose drink which had two times the amount of glucose in it from the first drink. Yuck! I started feeling pretty crappy about 50 minutes into it. If you throw up the test is over and you have to do it all over again. I was determined not to let this happen. I laid down on a bed they had in the back in between my one hour and two hour draw. Laying down helped immensely and I was able to get through the test without getting sick. I was pretty proud of myself for handling four blood draws and not fainting! When I got home I ate my lunch in about 5 minutes. I hadn't had anything to eat since 6 pm the night before and by the time I got home it was close to noon. I was starving and feeling shaky from the drink.
I was at work when I noticed I had a missed call from the doctor. I thought, this is it, I failed pretty horribly for them to call me so soon. It took almost a week to get my results of the first test and this time I took the test on Friday and they called me on Monday. I called them back and left a message. As I was waiting for them to call me back I kept thinking what am I going to do if they say I have gestational diabetes? I had googled the diet they put you on and it really isn't too different from how I eat now. If that doesn't work, I'd have to go on insulin. I don't want to do any of that!
After what seemed like hours, but was really 10 minutes, the nurse called me back and informed me that I had passed. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! I shouted hallelujah and she said I totally passed and was good to go. In your face gestational diabetes!
I'm so thankful that I passed. Testing positive increases your chances of having diabetes later in life and would give Sadie girl an increased risk as well. I have about 10 weeks left until she gets here and I want to focus on being as healthy as possible until she makes her arrival with the exception of a few sweets. Hey, if you can't have chocolate what's the point in living?
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