Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bump Watch: 29 Weeks

Size of baby: Large butternut squash. At our doctors appointment on Friday she said going forward the baby can gain up to 1/2 a pound each week until she's born. Wowza! I think Sadie may have started early because looking at the past few weeks I look noticeably bigger each week. Please don't be a 10 pound baby!! :)

Cravings: A hotdog and fries from the best little place in Glendale called Dazzos. Yum.

What I'm looking forward to: Reed is taking some time off this week so we can celebrate his birthday and get stuff done around the house for Sadie girl. He worked on some stuff this past weekend so his list isn't as long.

Miss anything?: I'm starting to have a hard time getting comfortable when going to sleep. My back is starting to hurt towards the end of the day and it's getting old sleeping on my side. I'm getting bigger so that makes it harder to roll over. Once I fall asleep I'm out, well until I have to get up to pee. The past few nights the baby has been moving around when I get up so I stay awake so I can enjoy those sweet little moments.

Maternity clothes: We're going shopping on Thursday so hopefully I can find some cute outfits.

Movement: She's been having dance parties in there. It's the most amazing feeling when she moves.

Gender: A sweet baby girl.

Happy or Moody: Happy! We're getting closer to meeting her. We see the doctor every 2 weeks now. It's going by so fast. We can't wait to meet her.

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