Monday, February 24, 2014

Four Months

Dear Sadie, 

We meet again... The doctor said you are one healthy baby. You weigh 12 pounds 5 ounces and are 24.5 inches long. You're in the 13th percentile for weight and 50th for height. You've grown four inches since you were born. You pretty much wear all 3 month clothes. I put some 6 month outfits on you because we're tired of your old clothes! We need new stuff, right Dad?

You had an exciting month! You started sleeping in your crib. I thought it would be a hard transition, but you seem to like it in there at night. Taking naps in your crib is a little harder. We're working on it. You'll get there!

We started a schedule of Eat, play, eat, sleep that seems to be working really well. You take two, one to two hour naps each day. For most of the month you would sleep for about 11 hours, wake up for a feeding, and sleep for another hour or two. The middle of the night feeding is starting to jump around a little, but you still sleep to about the same time every morning.

You rolled over from your back to your stomach and haven't stopped! You're my little rolly pollie. I'll leave you for a minute on your back and the next thing I know you're on your stomach. You haven't mastered rolling onto your back yet. You're getting pretty close.

You went from having zero interest in toys, to swatting at them, to grabbing them and putting them in your mouth. Speaking of your mouth, you drool EVERYWHERE! You always have your hands in your mouth.

We're still exclusively breastfeeding. My goal was to make it to a year and as we get closer to six months I feel proud that we've been able to make it so far. Breastfeeding is hard!

You won't take a bottle. We try and try, but we're making baby steps.

You are incredibly happy in the morning. We took these pictures at 6:00 A.M. because we were heading to Tucson. 

You like taking baths with me. You're starting to hit the water with your hands and make water splash everywhere.

We don't let you watch TV, but if you catch a glimpse, your eyes are glued! You use all your strength to keep watching!

You're starting to like shopping. Yay! I'll hold an outfit up and if you smile we get it! If you don't smile and I like it, we still get it.

You're attracted to the color green.

You are mesmerized by this wood abacus you received for Christmas. You used to lay on your side and play with it with one hand, now I have to hold you in my lap so you can use both hands! Your face is so determined while you make the letters spin.

You make a really weird noise when you giggle. You give me a mini heart attack because I think you're choking. Every now and then we'll get a real giggle out of you!

You talk in a normal sounding voice and a really loud squeaky voice. I'm a little worried that's how I sound to you and you're trying to mimic me!

My favorite moments are when I look at you and you smile at me without any prompting. You're still pretty serious, but we get smiles out of you.

You're starting to have some stranger anxiety. 

I love you beautiful. These months are starting to fly by. You are my sweet girl and I cannot imagine life without you. 

Love, Mom

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