Saturday, May 18, 2013

How we told our family and closest friends that we're expecting

We knew early on that we would wait until we were in the second trimester to share our good news. I had an ultrasound at 6, 8, and 10 weeks to make sure everything was ok. At every ultrasound baby was measuring right on track and everything looked great. We still wanted to wait until after our 14 week appointment because you just never know. Talk about a long four weeks to our next appointment! We saw the nurse this time and she decided to do another ultrasound to see how baby was doing. Baby C was asleep with their little hands over their face, pretty cute! She tried to do a sneak gender peak for us, but the umbilical cord was in between the legs. Dang it!! We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time at this appointment. I always thought I'd cry when I heard it for the first time, but I was in a state of shock from just seeing the baby on the ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat, and realizing at the same time that this is actually happening. We're going to be parents. 

We invited our family and closest friends over for dinner that weekend. I made my husband a shirt that said Baby Candler coming October 2013. It wasn't very fancy, I just wrote on one of his white shirts in permanent marker. Our plan was for Mr. C to change into the shirt once everyone began eating and see who notices first. We were both really nervous and kept asking each other if now was the best time. Finally, I told him to change because I was too nervous to eat and couldn't take it anymore.

My sister in law noticed first and quietly ask my husband what his shirt was about. He wouldn't say anything, he just smiled. Loudly she said "Reed, what's with your shirt?" Everyone turned, looked at him, and screamed in excitement! 

It was fun seeing everyone's reactions. Everyone gave us hugs and told us how excited they are for us. It was a fun night. Weeks later I'm still a little nervous about people knowing. I've been trying to let go and let God be in control, but I'm a worry wart. Part of me still doesn't believe that this is happening and another part of me is just waiting for something to go wrong. We have our anatomy scan next Friday. We'll find out what we're having and they'll check to make sure that everything is ok with the baby. I'm praying we have a healthy baby cooking away!!  

Looking a little exhausted here, but happy. Those books lied about an energy boost in the second trimester. I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow and I still feel like I haven't slept for weeks every... single... day... 

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