Saturday, September 21, 2013

One Month Left!

Yesterday was one month until our due date. I think Sadie is going to make her debut late, Reed thinks she'll be here before her due date. Only time will tell, but it's a little crazy to think that she can be here at any moment. I am beyond excited to meet her. I can't wait to see what she looks like and what color her hair is. I'm ready to start this new adventure and never look back. I have been savoring these last few moments with Reed, trying to enjoy the little things and trying to take in some memories of just the two of us.

I'm also pretty excited about no more heartburn. I've never experienced this before and to be honest,\ always thought that people who complained about it were wimps. It didn't seem like that big of a deal, but I had NO idea! It's pretty brutal. I'm ready to sleep on my back and my stomach and to not have to pee every 45 minutes and not wake up because I'm uncomfortable and then wake up 10 minutes later because I'm uncomfortable on the other side. I'm ready to have my normal walk back instead of walking like a penguin. I'm too young to groan like a 85 year old every time I move. I miss waking up and feeling refreshed instead of feeling like I haven't slept in 2 days.

But I'm not ready for this pregnancy to be over. While things have gotten pretty uncomfortable, I wouldn't trade any of it for this little blessing that's about to be born to us. I'm not ready to give up the little, well now they pack some heat, kicks and movements. It doesn't get old. I know that being a mom is going to be pretty incredible and I may change my mind, but this has been the most amazing experience, being pregnant. Nothing is going to compare to feeling her move inside of me and watching her grow through various ultrasounds. I have loved to see my belly grow and get bigger each week because that means our Sadie girl is growing and getting stronger. Even through the most difficult times I have felt so incredibly lucky. God gave us this gift and we have not taken it lightly. We wanted this so badly and now we're about to get what we've been dreaming about. We can't wait to love on this baby girl.

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