Monday, June 3, 2013

It's a...

Healthy baby girl!!!

We are so excited!!! The ultrasound tech told us she would look at the gender first and then do all the measurements! Baby girl wasn't shy and gave us the money shot right away. The ultrasound tech said, "this is going to be easy." I thought that meant it was a boy, but I was wrong. She announced, "it's a girl!" I let out this weird noise and then cried a few tears. We were hoping for a girl, but would have been happy with a boy too! Now I get to start shopping. :) It makes it seem real now that we know what we're having.

We sent the picture of the two of us to our family and friends to tell them what we were having. Pink balloons for a girl! My sister in law and her four kids have been living with us for a couple months so we decided to do a little gender reveal for them as well! When we got home we put the balloons in a box and had the kids open it to find out.

The pictures aren't the best, but you get the point! Everyone thought it was a boy except our youngest niece who KNEW it was a girl. The younger three are really excited about their new cousin. The oldest is in that fun phase where she's going to be a teenager in a year and doesn't really care about much. You can see her in the pictures in the way back trying to act like it isn't a big deal, but wanting to know if it's a boy or girl! :)

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